
01/01/04 ECMA European Association

Since 2004, thanks to the will of both German and Italian manufacturers.

10/02/15 ECMA protects industry ISO standards

ECMA is working on an important international lobby action to protect our castor and wheel industry through the specific regulation. The competent technical Committee is ISO TC 110 SC3 was...

25/06/18 General Assembly 2018

2018 General Assembly was a special event! ECMA celebrated 30 years working on technical standards and we wanted to outline this moment with this picture.
The meeting is also an important...

12/03/19 General Assembly 2019 - 9th May / 10th May

The annual Plenary meeting of the Association took place at Hotel Bristol in Stresa on 10th May 2019.
This year ECMA members discussed about ECMA strong lobby activities about ISO and EN...

11/10/22 2022 General Assembly

After the pandemic period, ECMA is coming back to Stresa and all Companies met together in a very interesting meeting. Before the General Assembly, ECMA arranged a special event to let people meet...